Herbamare Original A Vogel Unrefined Sea Salt is the perfect complement to any type of recipe. It replaces common salt and is a type of sea salt made up of aromatic plants and fresh vegetables. The ideal condiment for your organic recipes!
Herbamare Original A Vogel Unrefined Sea Salt is the perfect complement to any kind of recipe. It replaces common salt and is a type of sea salt made from aromatic plants and fresh vegetables. The perfect seasoning for your organic recipes!
Herbamare Original A Vogel Unrefined Sea Salt is so beneficial to you because of its fresh vegetable and plant-based components, unrefined sea salt from French bitterness and kelp seaweed.
That makes it have multiple benefits:
- 100% vegetable
- Come out of the camera unrefined
- Certified organic
- Suitable for vegans
- Can be used as a raw seasoning or as a cooking salt
- Natural iodine and mineral salts
- Ideal for any recipe
Get your shit together Unrefined sea salt, the perfect substitute for ordinary salt!
Composition of the original HERBAMARE to VOGEL UNREFINED MARINE SALT 125 g
The success of Herbamare Original A Vogel Unrefined Marine Salt is due to its beneficial components:
- Unrefined sea salt, fresh vegetables and aromatic plants* (spice, leek, watercress, onion, parsley, leek, garlic, basil, betterane, rosemary, thyme*), seaweed
* certified organic crop
Nutritional information (per 100 g):
- Energy value: 18 kcal
- Carbohydrates and carbohydrates: 2,5 g
- Sugar: 1,5 g
- Food fibre: 1 to 5 g
- Protein: 0.9 g
- What are you doing
- Iodine: 400 mcg
Para el correcto uso y consumo de Herbamare Original A Vogel Sal Marina Sin Refinar:
- Puede utilizarse como sal de cocina aunque se disfruta al máximo cuando se utiliza como condimento en crudo.
Ideal para sustituir a la sal común en platos de carne, pescado, verduras, cereales, sopas, patatas, salsas, huevos, quesos y en general en cualquier receta.
¿Para qué está indicado Herbamare Original A Vogel Sal Marina Sin Refinar?
Herbamare Original A Vogel Sal Marina Sin Refinar está indicado para sustituir a la sal común en platos de carne, pescado, verduras, cereales, sopas, patatas, salsas, huevos, quesos y en general en cualquier receta.
- Contiene Apio
- Apto para embarazadas y en período de lactancia
- Este producto lo puede tomar una persona celiaca, alérgica/intolerante al huevo, o intolerante a la leche.